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Heart of Gold - Ella Sorensen at USASA Nationals

by Kelly Vance on April 24, 2017

Our highest level ambassadors are part of our Gold Program.  They've moved through the levels by demonstrating commitment, athletic talent, enthusiasm and positive attitude.  This series will highlight their accomplishments in their sports and beyond. 

First up: Meet Ella Sorensen, a talented young snowboarder and wakesurfer who has just returned from competing at USASA Nationals. 

I've been going to USASA Nationals for the past 4 years, and this year was the best yet! We got to ride a lot of fresh snow, something we don’t get much of in MN.

The best part of Nationals this year was how I finished in Rail Jam. I placed 1st out of 29 girls. It was really special because it was my first time placing top 10 in Nationals for Rail Jam. My goal this year was to make finals in Rail Jam.  I heard that this year they weren’t going to have finals for girls, so I knew I had to show my best tricks right away.  When the 20 minute jam was done I knew I had rode my best.  My coaches said I had a good chance of making the podium but I didn’t want to get my hope’s too high.  When the announcer read my name for 1st Place I screamed.  I was totally surprised.  I was certain my last run secured my first place, I gapped to the down on the down flat down rail.  I hadn’t practiced it but my coaches convinced me to go for it.  I knew it had to be something big to podium.  

I only compete in 2 events, Slopestyle and Rail Jam. I had a tough time in Slope Style but was still able to put down a clean run. It was hard because it was snowing hard and speed wasn’t the best for the jumps.  I ended up in 10th. I tend to get a little more nervous for Slope.  As I said earlier, Rail Jam was awesome!

Nationals this year was especially fun due to  the powder and tree runs! Copper Mountain has awesome tree runs! This year I was finally able to keep up with my teammates, it was a blast!  Our coaches are the best!  They love to free ride.  The last day we were there, it snowed 7 inches. It was fun riding fresh snow because MN rarely gets any and we don’t have mountains.  I was didn’t want to leave!

The second best thing about Nationals this year was that I met a ton of SheShred girs! A group of us went out with the WOO Snowboarding crew to film. There, I met many of cool girls who shred! It was fun meeting other girls who love snowboarding as much as I do! They were very kind and a blast to ride with. They helped me get the courage to hit a jump I’ve never hit before. Those girls are the best!  I wished I could have spent more time riding with them.  

Every snowboard season my goal is to qualify for USASA Nationals.  Because I have two sports that I travel for (snowboarding and wakesurfing) my parents are very strict about keeping up with my schoolwork.  I have to maintain an A average in order to miss school.  This year I missed 2 weeks of school for Nationals.  We had no snow in Minnesota this year and many of our ski hills had already closed for the season.  I was lucky to leave for Colorado a week early to practice.  

Well, the ice is off the lake now and that means snowboard season is a thing of the past.  Wakesurf season is here and the boat and wetsuits are ready to go.  I have not set any snowboard goals for next year, there’s plenty of time for that in October.   I only hope we get a few more flakes next winter.


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