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February 2018 Ambassador of the Month: Everyone!

by Bold Apps on February 01, 2018

Wait, what do you mean, everyone?  

This month, we had the thought that it would be amazing to feature an ambassador who showed the core value of KINDNESS to our fellow ambassadors, fans, and just people in general.  However we ran into a little roadblock: no one could come up with a nominee.  

Here are some of the responses we got: 

It is way too hard for me to choose; every single one of you were beyond nice & supportive when I was going through some seriously rough stuff during the summer. So I'd nominate everyone if I could.
- McKenna Kameka

This is a tough one! Every time any of us need some support and help, everybody here is kind and ready to help! I nominate everyone! 
- Valérie Vitoušová

I have to agree with this being such a hard choice!  We have so many rad, amazing and kind ladies in this group. I love how we are all so supportive and ready with great advice all the time. I have to say, I am so happy I joined this amazing family of incredible women.
- Krysten Sullivan

So we thought... Well, why CAN'T we just pick everyone?  I mean, we're in charge here anyway!  Every single month our choice is difficult, but on the topic of KINDNESS, it seems our entire group of ambassadors has shown such an incredible willingness to help out when asked, cheer each other up, connect with friends, and provide supportive words that we want to reward all of them! 

Inspired?  Maybe you want to join up and become a part of our crew! 


Even our founder, Gina Duffy had a hard time picking anyone but everyone:

Every day I am in awe and inspired how all of these girls from all over the world, every age and every background unite over their passions and show each other so much love, respect and support. I could never have imagined how amazing this community would become!
- Gina



More nominations for everyone:

It’s just so hard to pick one person everyone here is so supportive and kind. I had family rip my confidence down and there were so many girls that were so kind and helped bring my confidence back I’d nominate everyone.
- Veronica Leclair

I hate to go along with the herd here, but I agree! Even the SheShreds logo resembles links in a chain. We are strongest together and the support and kindness wouldn’t exist without each other! I do not envy you for having to finding someone, but I think anyone in this group would be a great fit!
- Anna Debrone


Read more about how to become a part of this! 


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