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September 2019 Ambassador of the Month Cate Siniscalchi

by Kelly Vance on September 05, 2019
This month's choice for Ambassador of the Month has an incredible story that is perhaps best shared using quotes from her own social media.  Though she has faced difficult surgeries and medical treatments, she continues to persevere and fight to follow her heart and her passion.  She loves to be out on the water, and the joy that that brings her shines bright every time we see her ride her wakeboard.  We are honored to work with her, and humbled by her amazing outlook on life. 

Congrats Cate on being selected as our Ambassador of the Month! 

Until that day I don’t think I have ever met anyone like her."The first time I met Cate was at least 5 years ago when we put together the first SheShreds wakeboard clinic with pro team athlete, Taylor McCullough. Cate was about to hop in the water for her first set and started putting on a helmet. She VERY CASUALLY mentioned she had just had brain surgery a few weeks ago so therefore the helmet. I think all of us just sat there with our mouths hanging open! She said it like it was of no consequence, with a huge grin and a giggle…went out there and pushed herself to get her wake to wake jumps back.
She lives her life like this EVERY SINGLE DAY! She has dealt with a LOT of health issues, more than most people deal with in two lifetimes, but not once has it ever stopped her from following her passions, going after everything she wants with a determination few people can even comprehend and all with a smile and the biggest, warmest heart.  Some people come into your life for a reason and I know ALL of us girls in the SheShreds community feel lucky to know her and feel lucky that a little bit of her magic rubs off on all of us.
Thank you Cate for showing us how to live fearlessly. We LOVE YOU!!!"
- Gina Duffy, Founder

Get inspired - follow Cate's story on Instagram: 



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WORST CASE SCENARIO Around this time last year I lived for about 2 weeks thinking I had breast cancer- mostly because a doctor said, “if it was anyone else I wouldn’t be worried, but because of who you are cate... you need to prepare yourself for worst case scenario” for TWO WEEKS I lived thinking I had cancer, preparing myself for the worst possible outcome because that’s what this doctor told me to do. So at the end of the two weeks when my scans came back and revealed just a bunch of benign tumors- I realized I had wasted so much time preparing myself for something that didn’t even happen. I lost precious moments with friends because my mind was elsewhere, didn’t enjoy the moment as much as I could because of a “what if”. Here’s the thing; it doesn’t matter how prepared you are- bad things still happen, everyday to everyone. So instead of focusing all this time preparing myself for a “worst case scenario” I’m going to spend more time being focused on the now and being in the present because we deserve to enjoy life, not just prepare ourselves for it.

A post shared by Cate Siniscalchi 🤘🏽 (@catesiniscalchi) on



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