by ambassador Jada Johannes
Our ability to make good decisions revolves around having a healthy mind. I think it’s safe to say that when we’re stressed we don't always take time to think our choices out; we tend to find the fastest way to solve a problem in order to have it have off our plate. Agreed? Stress is defined as tension or strain (mentally or emotionally) from adverse circumstances. Here are my favorite tips for managing stress.
Clearing your mind:
- Write down your current issues or things that are keeping old problems locked away in your mind. Verbally talking to someone close to you has the same effect. It allows you to say what's on your mind, and relieving the stress helps you to move forward.
- Do something that you find great pleasure in, whether it’s a sport or hobby. When doing something you enjoy, you forget about the built up stress and allowing yourself to unlock the happiness that may have been blocked preoccupied by other things such as work or school.
- Focus on what's happening now, rather than your past or future things coming. Let yourself worry about the future only once you get closer to the date. If it's in the past let it go. Forgive others’ mistakes, and focus on building yourself stronger, and having a free flowing mind.

Running can be a great stress release - Jada
Quick Tips:
- Take a day off and relax.
- Find a calming hobby - one that you can retreat to when stressed.
- Yoga! - one of the most stress-relieving, renewing, calming activities there is. Ambassadors find mental balance with Yoga and other exercise. Photos: Ambassadors Brindley Faile, Diana Sciandra and Allie Huish.