By Ambassador: Joanna Brashear
I took to the streets for a poll about Wake Bindings: Open vs. Closed Toe.
As with all board sports, choice of gear is a personal preference. With wake bindings, more women and girls are moving towards closed toe. They are a little pricier, but from what the girls mentioned, warmer toes and better control are worth the few extra bucks. We've put together a list of open and closed toe bindings that have the best reviews and are available now. Check them out!
This season we see a lot of fun, funky colors and also some redesigns on the closed toe bindings as well as updated designs. What's your favorite wake binding from the 2016 line up? Shout out in the comments below!

Ambassador, Erin Eblen: "Open toe because they are much more comfortable."
Ambassador, Aliza Capen: " Closed toe bindings work better for me because I can wakeboard all year and not worry about my feet getting frosty. It also helps when I don't land a trick very clean, it keeps your foot from moving to the front of the boot where your toes are hanging over the binding. Which can cause you to catch an edge!"
Ambassador, Noelle Sanders: "Closed toe! I feel more secure and I'm used to riding in boots. I don't like binding boards because the ankle breaking scares me. If I fall super hard my feet still come out keeping my ankles safe. I also don't get cold toe."
Ambassador, Sara Malcom: "Open toe! I don't like water getting stuck in my bindings and have it splashing around while I am riding."
Ambassador, Cristiana Ubilla: "Closed toe! It's more comfortable and I feel that my feet are more protected. Plus it looks super steezy."
Ambassador, Katie Johnstone: "I used to love open toe, but then I switched to closed toe three years ago and I love it so much more! You feel more comfortable and more one with the board. Plus, you have better control."
Hyperlite Syn OT Wake Binding

Liquid Force Plush Wake Binding

Ronix Luxe Wake Bindings

Liquid Force Team Wake Bindings

Liquid Force Melissa Wake Binding

Ronix Limelight Wake Binding

Slingslot Jewel Wake Binding