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Lillian Hubbard - Surf/Ski/Skateboarder (ME)

by marina sanchez on September 25, 2017

Lillian Hubbard - Surf/Ski/Skateboarder (ME)


Your Age: 16 
Your Location: Cape Neddick, Maine
Sport(s): Skateboard/surf
Instagram Handle: @lills7_

What does SheShredsCo mean to you?
Sheshredsco means so much to me as a girl rider. Everyday I look forward to seeing new pictures of girls shredding whether it's surfing, or the complete opposite, mountain biking! When you ride with girls it has a much more positive affect than if you ride with boys. has definitely inspired more girls to participate in sports and I think that is so amazing! Sheshreds teaches that girls can shred just as hard as the boys if not harder. It's inspiring! 
How did you get hooked on your favorite action sport(s)? 
I got hooked on surfing when I went to a camp when I was twelve. I only went a few times a year, but I loved it when I got to go. Now, I'm surfing a few times a week. When you get better in any sport, it becomes way more fun. I got hooked on skateboarding because I thought it would make me a better surfer (which it has). Now, I like it just as much if not more than surfing. I skate and surf everyday, and when I progress, it inspires me to keep pushing myself harder.
What challenges do you face being a female in the sport?
Females definitely face more challenges in sports than guys. It seems to be a general understanding that girls can't shred as hard as guys. That can scare girls away from even trying anything because they are worried they will embarrass themselves. That is why you see so many guys participating in sports. Being the only girl at the skatepark, or out in the lineup surfing definitely can be intimidating. But you just have to put that behind you. You're there to have fun, not be worried about what other people think of you. A lot of people appreciate seeing a girl at the skatepark or out surfing actually, and you just have to remember that!
Where is the most unusual or exciting place you have done your sport?
I haven't traveled to a lot of places to do my sport. Surfing I would say my home break is pretty unique. It's at a River Mouth in southern Maine. People don't often think of surfing when they think of Maine which is kind of cool. There definitely are some very talented surfers from Maine. Skateboarding, I have to say Lynch Family Skatepark in Boston, MA. The outdoor skatepark is right underneath a massive bridge and surrounded by a park! It is definitely the coolest spot I've skated.

What has been your most memorable moment so far?
Surfing: Last November I got this amazing wave and it finally made my summer practice worth while. I surfed so much last summer and when I got this 15 second ride with lots of turns it really felt good and inspired me to go more.
Skate: When I dropped in the 14 foot vert ramp for the first time. It was a thrill, even though I bailed out on the other side. 

Who/what are your inspirations
Sky Brown is both a skateboarding and surfing inspiration. She's the youngest pro skater in the world at nine years old. She doesn't just skate and surf also, she participates in skateistan, which is a program to get more underprivileged little girls and boys to have fun skating which I think is inspiring. I look forward to her videos every day.

Favorite thing about SheShreds products?
My favorite thing about SheShreds clothing is that it always looks good and makes me feel good when I'm wearing it. I love representing a company that represents girls kicking ass every day. My whole family knows about SheShreds and they think it is so cool that I'm an ambassador, yet are always stoked for me. I'm proud to be an ambassador!

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