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Since its inception, has dedicated every waking moment to ensuring that no girl or woman ever feels alone while following their passion for adventure. The only way to do that successfully was to create an extended family for you – a sisterhood of athletes and ambassadors who ride with you, laugh with you, cry with you, and win with you.  In this sisterhood, you have a chance to find your individuality and still be one with other girls just like you.

We’re looking for girls who have lots of personality, creativity and who are INFLUENCERS and LEADERS. We love girls who coach, compete or who simply shred on the daily. Other qualities we look for are: a highly active social media presence, attending action sports events, comps and clinics, an interest in career aspects of the industry, and a focus on progression. The most important thing above all else, is that you are, passionate, cool and you are KIND! We are looking to grow these sports for females and want to make sure our girls make others feel welcome and included.


Can I switch between the Ambassador Program and the SheShreds Nation?

If you're in one of our programs and think the other program is a better fit, you're always welcome to change your mind!  Whether you're too busy for the requirements of the ambassador program, or you're having a great time with the SheShreds Nation and want to step it up, transitioning between the two programs is easy! Email for the full details. 

I’m a competitive athlete, how do I get sponsored by SheShreds?

Join up!  Our ambassador program is the avenue we use for sponsorship!  The program consists of four different levels, and those that want to be sponsored work to achieve the highest level.

I’m not an expert at my sport, but I really love it, can I still join?

You don’t have to be an elite athlete to love action-adventure sports or participate in them. Whether you’re a serious athlete or just seriously stoked, all you need is passion.  The SheShreds Nation program would be a better fit for someone who is just getting started in their sport, and you are welcome to move up to the Ambassador Program as you progress!  For an intermediate to advanced level athlete who is interested in progression and leadership in your community, the Ambassador Program would be a great fit for you! 

What are the benefits of being an ambassador?

Ambassadors get included in our amazing global community, access to clinics, coaching and training, opportunities to earn free gear from SheShreds and our brand partners, a great discount, features on the brand’s social media, mentoring, events and meetups around the world, and so much more!

What will be required from me as an ambassador?

Depending on what your goals are with the program, ambassadors engage with the brand in a wide variety of ways, from hosting meetups and participating in local events, to helping to spread the word about the brand on social media, to helping design new apparel and products.  We let each of our ambassadors choose whether they want to have fun with or work hard and go all the way to gold, but all ambassadors are expected to participate in a minimum of social media communications and posting. 


What are the benefits and requirements for the SheShreds Nation?

SheShreds Nation members receive exclusive access to our growing online community of action & outdoor sports athletes.  This community includes all of the members of our ambassador program, as well as hundreds of other girls and women from around the world.  In addition to this, you'll receive access to exclusive gear, discounts, special sales and promotions, and an amazing calendar of meetups and events run by SheShreds, our partner brands, and our ambassadors.  The only requirements for the SheShreds Nation are that you must be on Facebook, and join our facebook group, and that you must occasionally stay in touch via social media or email. 

Why is Facebook required?

Our pages on Facebook are the core of our ambassador community, and SheShreds Nation, offering the chance to meet each other, talk, and make friends.  The facebook page is full of amazing opportunities, including meetups and clinics, online trainings, contests to win free merchandise, opportunities to guide the SheShreds brand, and chances to speak via video to our founder Gina Duffy!

I have another question, who can I ask?

Drop an email and we will get right back to you! 


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