By: Ambassador Jada Johannes
Everyone occasionally takes a break from their favorite sports. Whether you're coming back from the off season, injured, or just busy with life, here are some pointers on how to gain back your confidence if you're feeling a little rusty!
- For the first few days back on your board, it can be hard to get back into the groove of things. Make sure to ease into it and let your body adjust to the sport again. When it comes to many action sports, your body needs to be in prime condition, so it's absolutely key to let your mind and body work their way into a routine without trying to push yourself too hard.
- After a day of shredding, it's tempting to just go home and rest, but don't forget to STRETCH!! It is so very important to take care of your muscles. Stretching can relieve tense muscles and leave your body less sore the day after.
- Keep your mindset positive! Remember, you're only just getting back into your sport, and you have ample time for improvement. Keep your head up and set goals for the season. It’s easy to tell yourself you can’t when you don’t give yourself time to tell yourself you can.

Quick Tips:
- Take it easy even if it means reviewing on the bunny hill
- Lookup different stretches or try yoga
- Set goals and reward your progress