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DIY: SheShreds No-Sew Tote Bag

by Virginia Buechel on October 06, 2015

When you are searching for a bag to stuff your goodies and essentials when you're heading out the door, we have the solution for you! The SheShreds Team put together our own guide to create your own no-sew tote bag that you can create with your favorite SheShreds shirt. For this guide we used our Summer 2015 Collection Green Drapey Tee.

**You're in luck! Our Drapey Tee is ON SALE NOW!**


  • One SheShreds T-shirt; We picked the Green Drapey Tee because it's a sturdier fabric
  • Sharp Scissors
  • Washable Marker (Optional)

Step 1: Cut The Sleeves Off

Step One DIY Tote T-shirt Bag

To make things a bit easier, if you scissors are sharp enough you can fold the t-shirt in half and cut both sleeves off simultaneously to get even angles. If it's too difficult, cut one side and then fold it over to the other side to use the cut angle as a guide.

Step 2: Cut The Neck Line Area

You can cut the neckline shape by using a bowl for circular guidance or you can freehand an oval shape to extend the neck line opening. This is going to be the opening part of your bag, so it can be smaller or larger, based on your preference.

Step 3: How Deep Do You Want The Bag

DIY SheShreds T-shirt Tote Bag

If you haven't done it already you can turn your shirt inside out. Determine how deep your want your bag to be. Using a straight side or ruler, trace a line across your shirt at your desired depth. Keep in mind that depending on what you are using your bag for, heavier items may stretch your bag over time.

Step 4: Cut Fringe

DIY Tote Bag with SheShreds T-Shirt

Now that you've determined how deep you want your bag, using your scissors to cut slits from the bottom of the t-shirt to your depth line. You want to want to cut both the top and bottom layers together, as they will need to line up for the next step. You can cut your slits from 3/4 to 1 inch apart.

DIY SheShreds T-Shirt Tote Bag

Step 5: Tie The Fringes Together

Make Your Own T-Shirt Tote Bag

Begin on one and begin to tie your fringes together. After you do the first three completed, you may notice that when the pairs are pulling the bag together, there is also a hole between them. The next step will close them, so don't worry.

DIY Tote Bag T-Shirt Bag by SheShreds

What you will do now that you have three tied together, take one of the middle strands and tie it with one strand from the pair on the left. Take the other middle strand and tie it with one strand from the pair on the right. Then take the remaining strand on the right side and tie it with the next pair of strands, and continue this until all the strands are tied.

Then take your t-shirt turned tote bag and turn it right side out again, and BAM you have your very own SheShreds T-Shirt Tote Bag!

Special thanks to SheShreds Silver Ambassador Mel B. and her great step by step photos and directions. When she isn't rocking behind the camera helping out the SheShreds Team, she is shredding up the mountain.Mel B SheShreds Ambassador

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