Age: 21 (born 11/6/1995) – soon to be 22Location (State/Province): CT, USASport(s): Skiing, skateboarding, paddleboarding, wakeboardingInstagram Handle: @benson_megan
What does SheShredsCo mean to you?
SheShredsCo is community to me. They are my family – my sisters. I love each and every girl in the crew. We all encourage each other and help each other grow. SheShredsCo is a way to express who I am and what I love. It helps me feel unique, accomplished, and feel like I belong. I love what they stand for. They help me and other girls like me feel confident in the sports that we do. I love that.
How did you get hooked on your favorite action sport(s)?
I got hooked on my favorite action sports by my mother. She has been snowboarding her whole life, and eventually picked up long-boarding and wakeboarding. Watching her grow in these sports inspired me and made me feel like I could do them too. It was a way for us to bond, as well. I then began to meet other girls in my sports and it encouraged me even more. I made a lot of friends that way. My action sports are my outlet and source of happiness.
What challenges do you face being a female in the sport?
I face many challenges being a female in my sports. There are still definitely different roles that genders play in society, including sports. I feel ridiculed by males sometimes, and like they don’t think I’m good enough to do these sports. I try to stand strong though, and show them that I CAN do these sports and that I can do it just as well as they can!
Where is the most unusual or exciting place you have done your sport?
I have not been to many unusual or exciting places to do my sports, unfortunately. The most exciting place I have been skiing is Vermont and New Hampshire. The mountains there are absolutely stunning and unique in their very own way. I have been skateboarding in both Boston and on Cape Cod, which were both different in their own ways. Each had beautiful scenery of their own kind.
What has been your most memorable moment so far?
My most memorable moment was when I learned to drop in on a skateboard. That was a huge accomplishment for me. I remember my boyfriend holding me and helping me until I felt comfortable enough to try it on my own. It was scary – terrifying. Yet, the feeling I had when I finally did it was unbelievable. I will never ever forget learning to drop in on a skateboard. That was a milestone. I never thought I would get the courage to do it.
Who/what are your inspirations
I have many inspirations. First and foremost, my mother. She has always inspired me. Watching her do her sports encouraged me to learn sports of my own. My boyfriend is also another huge influence on me. He has been there almost every step of the way for my skateboarding career and has helped me become the skateboarder I am today – and still continues to help me. Last but not least, the ambassadors of SheShreds are also my inspiration! Seeing everything the girls share and post encourages me every day.
Favorite thing about SheShreds products?
I love the uniqueness of SheShredsCo products. They are always good quality, and true to what the brand stands for. They help us girls stand out and be unique in our sport. They are clothes dedicated towards girls who shred or ride, and I LOVE that! What SheShredsCo stands for is amazing, and every purchase helps a girl reach her dreams. I am never disappointed when a new SheShreds product is released. They keep getting better and more irresistible!