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Your Age: 22
Your Location (where do you ride mostly): Minnesota
Weapon(s) of choice: Snowboard, longboard, GoPro Camera, hockey skates, paddleboard and four wheeler.
What is the most difficult part of your activity/sports for a beginner? The easiest? The most difficult part for snowboarding at the beginning is learning how to carve. The best way to transition to carving is by first learning the falling leave technique then working your way up to carving. The easiest part is just bombing the hill( board straight the whole way down). The hardest part of longboarding for a beginner is learning how to correctly jump off your board at the last minute. There are circumstances you run into where you have to jump off so u don't crash and this means having the right technique so you don't crash and burn. The easiest part of longboarding is keeping your balance.
What is the best and worst thing about being female in your sport? The best thing about being a female in my sports is feeling like you can conquer the world & knowing that at one time it wasn't acceptable to be a woman in my sports makes it that much more amazing being able to pursue my passion of these sports without anyone telling me it is not acceptable. We have come along way in history showing the world that we have more than what it takes to live out our dreams with these sports and that yes we are woman that shred but we are dang proud of it and nothing will stop us from living out our passions!
What would you like to see change in your sport to make it better for you and other female athletes? Even though it is more acceptable to be a female athlete now than it used to be, there are still those people that make statements like "you snowboard like a girl" and they mean in a way that is a diss. I think there needs to be way more recognition of woman kicking butt in their sports. If the world showed more footage of female athletes I think people would learn to be more respectful towards female athletes.
What are your favorite brands/designers for your sports apparel and for stepping out? Burton.
Let’s hear your thoughts on how important looking good is to feeling good. “Being” your personal best? It is very important to be your personal best because it is what makes you feel good about yourself and gives you the motivation to keep doing your sports again and again. It is so important to give your sports everything you've got because then you feel good and feel accomplished. The feeling you get from giving it your all is very rewarding.
How dangerous do you really think it is compared to what people do in their regular activities? My sports are far more dangerous than regular sports for many reasons. In snowboarding you could have all the control in the world and of your board catches a bad ice patch or a bad edge you can go flying and if you land badly it could end up pretty severe. When going off jumps and rails there is always the possibility of crashing and breaking something or worse. There is a high risk for concussions in snowboarding. For longboarding you don't have very much padding and if you are going at a fast speed and have to stop quickly the only way is to jump off and fall the correct way. Otherwise you could possibly break something or get a concussion as well.
I bet in your experience you have seen some crazy crashes. Describe one. Two winters ago I was snowboarding at a ski hill here in Minnesota and the hill happened to be extremely icy. I was going down the hill and before I knew it my board hit a thick patch of ice wrong and I ended up rolling, hitting my head about 5 times on the ice as I rolled/ flipped through the air. I ended up having to have a neck brace and sustained a severe concussion from that fall.
What usually gets people hooked on your activity/sport? I think what gets people hooked on snowboarding and longboarding is the adrenaline rush you get from it and the pure happiness you receive. The instant you are either snowboarding or longboarding all of your worries seem to melt away and the only thing that matters in that moment is you and your board. And also the risk factor makes it interesting and exciting.
Do you own any other toys? Four wheeler, paddleboards and kayaks.
What gets you pumped up for the day? Listening to my favorite songs to shred to and seeing fresh snow falling.
What are three things you could not live without? My family, snowboard & longboard.
What are your expectations for this activity/sport? I want to continue to better myself in my sports and work towards competing in both of them.
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