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Your Age: 7
Your Location (where do you ride mostly): Alberta and British Columbia, Canada
Weapon(s) of choice: My snowboard, skateboard, longboard and mountain bike.
What’s an average day for you like? In the winter I am found on the hill and in the terrain park after school, and doing competitions on the weekends. In the summer I like practicing in the skatepark, and going to the beach. I have also started paddle boarding at the lake.
What is the most difficult part of your activity/sports for a beginner? The easiest? I sometimes have difficulty at some resorts when I go to competitions when they have entries for kids, but the terrain park features are too large. And sometimes I have to compete against teenagers because not as many young girls compete in snowboarding. I still go out and try my best, and sometimes I beat the big kids. The easiest part about my sport is making friends. Most people in the snowboarding community are very supportive and friendly which makes it even better.
What is the best and worst thing about being female in your sport? The best thing is that the opportunities are endless. There is lots of room to grow and be noticed as a female in boardsports. The worst thing is when organizations are not expecting females to show up to events.
What would you like to see change in your sport to make it better for you and other female athletes? I would like to see more females at events, and supporting each other. The more girls that come out, the better events will be, and they will be better prepared for girls to attend.
Besides your ability and style factor as an athlete, how would you describe your personal style? Fun and fancy!
What are your favorite brands/designers for your sports apparel and for stepping out? Salomon, SheShreds, 686, Roxy
Let’s hear your thoughts on how important looking good is to feeling good. “Being” your personal best? I like to dress up for all occasions. Looking good and feeling comfortable is a confidence booster.
How dangerous do you really think it is compared to what people do in their regular activities? I have had some big wipeouts, and even fell out of a chairlift it can be dangerous!
What usually gets people hooked on your activity/sport? It is just a really good feeling to learn new tricks, or shred the mountain. I think it makes you feel excitement, or it can be calming which makes you want to do it more.
What gets you pumped up for the day? Seeing my friends at school, or at the hill.
What is your favorite trick? Boardslide to fakey on rails and Tailpresses!
Do you own any other toys? Tons of Lego!
What are three things you could not live without? Snow, candy and princess Lego
Who have been your biggest supporters in getting you to where you are now? Friends and Family
1st place Pump Up the Jam Rail Jam 2017 U8 Girls
1st place Alberta Snowboarding Slalom Race 2017 U8 boys/girls
3rd place Sunridge Boardercross U10 girls
1st place Double Down Sunridge Rail Jam U12 girls
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