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Age: 9
Location: Georgia
Country: USA
Sport(s): wakesurf, wakeboard, skateboard, SUP
Instagram: @janiepunkyparty
What does SheShredsCo mean to you?
It means a lot to me. It has inspired me to meet and talk to other girls that do action sports.
What challenges do you face being a female in the sport?
Some boys don't take me seriously as a competitor and thought I was nothing. Like they didn't even see me.
Where is the most unusual place you have done your sport?
I haven't done any of my sports in an unusual place, but I've wakesurfed at night.
What has been your most memorable moment so far?
When Kai Roshto and Colleen Cain invited me to be a SheShreds sister at the Lake Anna Wakesurf Open last summer.
Who/what are your inspirations?
My big sis, Colleen Cain! She is always encouraging and she brightens up everyone's day.
Favorite thing about SheShreds products?
I think they're great because they don't look like every day things you buy at the store. They're just cool.Someone purchased a