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Your Age: 15
Your Location (where do you ride mostly): My home hill: Powder Ridge in Kimball Minnesota. I'm from Royalton Minnesota
Weapon(s) of choice: Snowboard, D3200 Nikon camera, and long board
What’s an average day for you like? I wake up and get ready for school unless it's the weekend then I usually get ready to go snowboarding, hangout with my family/friends, or go out to take photos. After a long day being Jada I will usually have dinner and watch some kind of snowboarding tech videos on YouTube or Netflix. Later on in the night I try catching up on my school work or editing pictures if I had a photo session that day. After my works finished I get the fun/best checking the crew page!! I love the support I get from the SheShreds ladies. I catch up on all my postings, blogs, and everything else I do for SheShreds. After that I usually go to bed ending my day on a great note.
What is the most difficult part of your activity/sports for a beginner? The most difficult part of snowboarding is most definitely finding your balance and learning how your feet should be. As for photography the most difficult thing would be having that creative sense towards any background and being able to turn any scenery into a good photo. The easiest thing to snowboarding would be once you get the hang of it being able to ride all mountain style and just riding easy runs. While the easiest thing about photography is finding your own style of photos and figuring out level of photography you want to be at.
What is the best and worst thing about being female in your sport? The best thing about being a female snowboarder is that people tend to think of it as a male dominate sport, so going out and being able to do something that most people think women can't do is awesome! Allow that comes with cons such as not having a lot of support from other male riders, plus that means there are not a bunch of other female riders that I can hit the slopes with.
What would you like to see change in your sport to make it better for you and other female athletes? More support from male riders!! Also if I/we/SheShreds can continue to get more female riders interest in snowboarding and other action sports.
Besides your ability and style factor as an athlete, how would you describe your personal style? I'm very lad back, I love seeing and making people smile. I'm definitely not super girly, I'd prefer going mudding and riding our four wheelers rather than shopping any day.
What are your favorite brands/designers for your sports apparel and for stepping out? SheShreds (obviously my favorite), Burton, Volcom, Boundless attire, the Youth Shelter Supply, Fox, Vans, and Converse.
Let’s hear your thoughts on how important looking good is to feeling good. “Being” your personal best? When you feel your best and have that mid set in your head, you are 100x more likely to do and be the absolute best you can be. When you feel just the right amount of confidence, you can walk with pride, competing or riding with friends will be way less stressful.
How dangerous do you really think it is compared to what people do in their regular activities? Snowboarding is very dangerous, especially if you're not wearing a helmet! Helmets are crucial when riding. Concussions can be easy to get even with a helmet. Snowboarding can be fun and safe when you practice before you attempt certain things. Overall you should always be careful and take caution when snowboarding or doing any action sport.
I bet in your experience you have seen some crazy crashes. Describe one. I was with a group that ended having to leave, so I was riding by myself and met 2 instructors that were teaching each other to ski and snowboard. They invited me to come ride with them after they saw I was trying to land some rails. Anyways the one guy that was trying to snowboard was attempting to hit this rail in a mini terrain park. He ended up board sliding and falling off about a 4 foot drop into fresh powder and falling into a tree...luckily he had a helmet and stood up laughing, as his friend and I almost died in laughter after we found out he was okay.
What usually gets people hooked on your activity/sport? When they see more advanced people riding, it gives them the attitude of wanting to progress to that level.
What is your favorite trick? I love tail and nose grabs, because they're a good trick to master and they look sick. I also love doing any type of box jumps for the fact that I can learn technique for bigger rails.
Do you own any other toys? My camera!! I have a Nikon D3200 and a Nikon point and shoot. Along with four wheelers, a go cart, my long board, and I like to consider my editing station as one.
What gets you pumped up for the day? Waking up each new day being thankful for the opportunities that I've been placed with.
What are three things you could not live without? My faith in my savior in Jesus Christ, friends/family, and my hobbies/sports that have become part of my life.
What are your expectations for this activity/sport? To be the best I can be, my goal by the end of this or next season would be to have the whole terrain park conquered.
Who have been your biggest supporters in getting you to where you are now? My friends and family have been my biggest supporters, because guide me and push me to do the best I can. They also day in and day out help me to push forward in everyday life.
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