Age: 29
Location (State/Province): Canmore Alberta
Country: Canada
Sport(s): Snowboarding, Hiking, Climbing, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking
Instagram Handle: @app1ejaxx / @jaxx.outdoors
What does SheShredsCo mean to you?
Being part of such a great female community is super important to me. It is great to have support, motivation and general interaction from ladies around the world who are motivated and invested in each and every sport. Women have come so far from where they were decades ago; however, there is still a very long way to go, and companies like SheShredsCo help the industry to continue moving onward and upwards.
What drives you to do your sport?
Since I was young I have enjoyed being outside. Each sport I take part in drives me to continue to be active outdoors and take advantage of what we have been given, with respect to the Earth. It really is just a giant playground, and its is there to take advantage of. That being said, I am also highly competitive and enjoy the competitive aspect in each sport I am involved in. Setting and achieving those goals is the best feeling!!