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Your Age: 19
Your Location (where do you ride mostly): Boise, Idaho
Weapon(s) of choice: BMX and snowboard.
What’s an average day for you like? Work/School and then riding (on dirt, street, or park).
What is the most difficult part of your activity/sports for a beginner? Getting control of your board/bike. Control is definitely one of the most important skills to have, however comes with time and practice. The easiest? Learning new tricks and running with them! In the beginning, tricks are easy to build one!
What is the best and worst thing about being female in your sport? Best: People are really supportive and want to see females succeed.Worst: It’s hard to find other girls to compete or train wit.
What would you like to see change in your sport to make it better for you and other female athletes? Being better influences for children (younger kids) especially females. Kids are heavily influenced by the older kids around.
Besides your ability and style factor as an athlete, how would you describe your personal style? BMX: I dress comfortably that way I never have to worry about anything while I ride. Jeans and an XL t-shirt do the trick for me. Snow: I wear usually black pants and a tall t-shirt. I’ve always got a beanie on too!
What are your favorite brands/designers for your sports apparel and for stepping out? BMX: SheShreds, Fit Bike Co, Odyssey, ODI, Cult, and Vans. Snow: SheShreds, Volcom, Thirty Two, STÜSSY, Roxy, Grenade, GNU, Union, Oakley, The North Face
Let’s hear your thoughts on how important looking good is to feeling good. “Being” your personal best? The better you feel, the better you ride. Any rider who is confident in themselves and really has love and passion in what they do, is going to look good no matter what.
How dangerous do you really think it is compared to what people do in their regular activities? Riding bmx and snowboarding definitely increase my chances of getting hurt. And as they say, “No pain. No gain.”
I bet in your experience you have seen some crazy crashes. Describe one. While working a shift as park crew at the local slope, I was able to watch one of the mens rail jams. On one of the dude’s first drops, he ended up splitting his helmet on a rail, instantly knocked out. He was in a coma for 3 months! Scary stuff!
What usually gets people hooked on your activity/sport? Progression for sure. Knowing that you can build on tricks is addicting. You can always stomp a trick a little harder.
What is your favorite trick? BMX: I love foot plants! Every time I do one, I try and get it higher and higher! Snow: 180 (soon to be 360!)
Do you own any other toys? I own a longboard, but I usually just cruise on it.
What gets you pumped up for the day? Knowing that I get the opportunity to ride better than I did yesterday. And more importantly, getting to help other people shred harder than they did yesterday!
What are three things you could not live without? 1. My snowboard. I fell in love with the Alibi Escape. It’s my better half. 2. My bike. I would love it just as much as my board’s scarier to fall on. 3.My boyfriend. He’s a shredder too and also my biggest supporter!
What are your expectations for this activity/sport? As long as I do something better today and I did yesterday, I’ll be doing fine!
Who have been your biggest supporters in getting you to where you are now? Definitely my boyfriend! It helps a lot because we shred the same sports! Along with him, all of my other best friends have been right by my side this whole time! They know my weaknesses and more importantly they know how to help me strengthen my weak spots!
Who’s your favorite rider/shooter (photo/video)? My favorite rider is Erik Elstran.
What do you do in your spare time when you’re not riding/shooting/competing? Honestly, watching videos of people shredding. My first go to is, “The Come Up” it’s a rad BMX database with the best BMX news! I also get way too excited when a rider drops a new edit.
How about in the off season to stay in shape? In the off season, and also during season, the trampoline is my best friend! With trampoline board (snow) and the DIY trampoline bike (BMX) I can practice tricks year round so I don’t get rusty or forget how to move.
What is your biggest goal to accomplish this/next season? To continue to progress. BMX: I would be STOKED to get an edit ono The Come Up! Snow: I need to face the rails! This year, it’s time!
What do you do to prep for a competition? During my free time I envision myself during my whole competition. I think about the drop. Each line, every little detail about it.
What competitions and other awards have you won? Include your non sports accomplishments also. I was a 4 year varsity and state swimmer in high school! I was also really good at high jump during track season!
What’s your favorite “way” to ride( wake sport- specific, cable, boat, winch)(Snowsport specific- park, freeride/backcountry, urban)? BMX: Definitely park! Although I get hurt a lot more riding park, the thrill gets me! There’s always something bigger to hit or throw in the park. I also like how the parks themselves have variety (street, bowl, spines, etc…) Snow: Going to have to go with park! I love all of the different features in parks! The options on how to hit something are endless!
Favorite conditions? BMX: Probably around 70 degrees! Too hot is just miserable and too cold makes it hurt a lot more when you fall!! Snow: I’ve got one word: POWDER!!
Where would be your biggest dream place to ride and why? BMX: Germany! I see the sickest street riding in Germany. Snow: Japan! It’s in the Japanese culture to believe trees hold bad spirits. They get a ton of powder and no one rides in the trees! Sounds like heaven on earth to me.
What song(s) do you listen to while riding that puts you in the zone? I like a lot of different instrumentals. More specifically, Gramatik has some really good riding music. “Just Jammin” is my favorite pick.
What turned you on to your sport? My Friends.
Any new tricks you’re working on? BMX: Flat 180, flyout 180, 360, and roll outs. Snow: 360 and rails.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done in your sport? BMX: Foot jams! Snow: 180!
What other extreme/action sports are you into? Wakeboarding for sure! If we had a boat still, I would be way better.
If extreme/action sports didn’t exist, what would you be doing with all the free time you’d have? Creating something like my sport! Everyone has a passion, we all find our way to it!
What’s your favorite board/bike/sled to ride and why? BMX: I like the Cult frames I’ve ridden on! (I’m working on building my bike up) Snow: An Alibi Escape! It’s so incredibly light weight and flexible! It’s the perfect park board! And since it’s a female board, all my guy friend shredders fight over who gets to ride it when I’m not.
What’s the trick to riding features and not killing yourself? Knowing your limits is incredibly important! This goes hand and hand with knowing your bike/board control! If you’ve got enough control, then you can stomp the trick! Progression is the best way to go about a new trick.
How would you describe your riding style? Unique.
What would you say is your signature trick? BMX: Foot Plant. Snow: 180.
Favorite drink of choice to refresh yourself after a long day of riding/shooting? Water! I always take staying hydrated seriously.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Pro Shredder and also a mom that Shreds!
Any of your own web pages or social media buttons you want links to? Youtube, Vimeo, FB, Instagram,Twitter etc. etc.