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Age: 24
What does SheShredsCo mean to you?
It means hard work, dedication, family, and pushing yourself. We have a massive group of females that have our backs 24/7. They get more stoked when I land a new trick than I do. It's great to have an open community.
What challenges do you face being a female in the sport? Being compared to men. I know every female in many action sports feels the same. We as females are also over sexualized. It's less about our performance and more about how scandalous can we show
Where is the most unusual place you have done your sport? I haven't been to any unusual spots yet other than learning to snowboard on a small mountain in central mass that is classified as a hill. Haha
What has been your most memorable moment so far? Crying in front of 45 lady shredders at my Copper B4BC event when we raised a total of $500 for breast cancer. I was overwhelmed with the support and love that day.
Who/what are your inspirations Melissa Riitano, she's an incredible rider in summit county. Also Jamie Anderson for her laid back style and riding, and I've followed Erika Vikander way before she was apart of she shreds and I've loved watching her journey.
Favorite thing about SheShreds products? They're ability to hold up against the elements. The Aztec hoodie from last year I love riding in, along with the maroon sweatshirt. It's all a bonus how cute it is
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