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Your Age: 24
Your Location (where do you ride mostly): Logan & Park City, UT
Weapon(s) of choice: Skis, yoga mat, running shoes, skateboard
What is the most difficult part of your activity/sports for a beginner? The easiest? Most difficult: Getting over the fear of trying something new, it's hard but also the most rewarding. That and getting off the chair-lift. The easiest: getting on the chair-lift
What is the best and worst thing about being female in your sport? The worst is sometimes people think you're a boy, the best is when they realize you're actually not.
What would you like to see change in your sport to make it better for you and other female athletes? A larger community of female riders with more focus so as to help push for more progression. The guys are always getting pushed to go farther then before, I think girls need that same push to raise the bar.
Besides your ability and style factor as an athlete, how would you describe your personal style? Kind of depends on the day, but most of the time I imagine it looks kind of like I just got out of bed.
Let’s hear your thoughts on how important looking good is to feeling good. “Being” your personal best? We joke that the only thing that matters is if you look good, but reality is you have to listen to your body. Feeling good is the most important. If you're just 'not feeling it' that day or 'feeling weird' about certain features, that's your body telling you it can't take it right now. There's no shame in that, we gotta be smart out there. Safety first, wear a damn helmet.
What gets you pumped up for the day? A turkey on rye with extra mustard and pickle. Dill, none of that sweet crap.
What are three things you could not live without? The man bun, crocs, and the Kardashians
What do you do in your spare time when you’re not riding/shooting/competing? Yoga! (Take care of that bod and soul) I also have a job, cause ya know, ain't nothin fo free. But I do love cooking and trying new recipes. I'm also very fond of the outside world, especially with a good book.
What’s your favorite “way” to ride? I'm usually found skiing in the terrain park 9/10 times but no one can say no to a solid chowder day.
What song(s) do you listen to while riding that puts you in the zone? Anything Beyoncé (she's the queen).
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done in your sport? I once fit 5 passengers and six pairs of skis into my sedan while driving with one ski boot still on. I don't recommend it.
If extreme/action sports didn’t exist, what would you be doing with all the free time you’d have? I'd be a chef...or an astrophysicist.
What’s the trick to riding features and not killing yourself? Don't fall.
Any of your own web pages or social media buttons you want links to? Instagram: chelspackie
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