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Your Age: 30
Your Location (where do you ride mostly): Invermere, British Columbia
Weapon(s) of choice: Snowboard, snowmobile, splitboard and my feet!
What’s an average day for you like? Wake up way too early cause I am too excited to stay in bed, decide what kind of adventure we want to do that day, whether it be snowboarding, sledding, hiking, exploring or taking out our Polaris Rzr for a rip through the mountains.
What is the most difficult part of your activity/sports for a beginner? The easiest? Snowboarding the most challenging thing for a beginner would be that first deep powder day!! For sledding I’d say it’s the mental game, it can be pretty scary out there in the backcountry and I find that not over thinking what you are about to do is the hardest part, sometimes you just have to hold that throttle down and giver. The easiest? Easiest part of snowboarding is having fun with your friends, for sledding, I'd say the easiest part is the trail in to the sled spot, after that, nothing seems easy to me.
What is the best and worst thing about being female in your sport? Best thing for snowboarding is the recognition the ladies are getting now, we are throwing down, it has come a long way since I started snowboarding. The worst thing is the saying "she's pretty good for a girl". For sledding, the best part of being a girl is that the boys help you get your sled unstuck! The worst thing is having to go to the bathroom in the backcountry with a bunch of dudes around and wearing 6 layers of clothes.
What would you like to see change in your sport to make it better for you and other female athletes? I'd like to see more women specific gear, it took me so long to find girls sled gear that didn't make me look like a guy… no I don't want all pink gear, just technical outerwear that still looks good and keeps me dry.
Besides your ability and style factor as an athlete, how would you describe your personal style? I'd say my style is boho/hippie style.
What are your favorite brands/designers for your sports apparel and for stepping out? Divas Snow Gear is the only all female sled gear company, they make awesome stuff, Airblaster makes some cool park rat outerwear, for the backcountry Tobe makes super waterproof heavy-duty sled gear, Snowpulse, Neff Headwear, Oakley, 509.
Let’s hear your thoughts on how important looking good is to feeling good. “Being” your personal best? It is absolutely the most important thing ever, feeling confident physically and mentally makes such a difference in how you portray yourself to the world!
How dangerous do you really think it is compared to what people do in their regular activities? Snowboarding has broken a few of my bones but sledding is a lot more dangerous… you are in the middle of nowhere and you need to watch out for avalanches and crevasses. You need to keep your head in the game and go out there prepared for anything, because other than the crew you are with, you are on your own!
I bet in your experience you have seen some crazy crashes. Describe one. There was one where a buddy of mine overshot a jump on his sled and slammed his face into his handlebars when he landed… pretty bloody and gross. Also a lot of tomahawks snowboarding!
What usually gets people hooked on your activity/sport? That unbelievably amazing feeling of floating on powder, whether it's on a snowboard or a sled, you just can't beat that deep powder feeling.
What is your favorite trick? Snowboarding my favourite tricks are butters and big BS 180, sledding I'm still learning but I started doing drops last season and plan on getting more into drops and jumping this season.
Do you own any other toys? Polariz Turbo Rzr, Jetskis, Seadoos, and a nice town bicycle when I don't need any adrenaline.
What gets you pumped up for the day? Fresh snow in the mountains and blue skies!
What are three things you could not live without? Snow, friends and mountains.
What are your expectations for this activity/sport? I think the female sledding world is going to blow up in the next few years, the pros are doing some pretty insane stuff these days.
Who have been your biggest supporters in getting you to where you are now? My partner was the one who got me into sledding and has taught me everything I know, my parents for making sure I grew up in the mountains and lived an outdoor lifestyle and Mother Nature for continuing to keep that snow coming every winter!
Who’s your favorite rider/shooter (photo/video)? Ashley Chaffin is doing the craziest things on a sled that I have ever seen a girl do, she is gnarly.
What do you do in your spare time when you’re not riding/shooting/competing? Working out, hiking, camping, wake surfing, traveling and just chilling with my awesome friends and family.
How about in the off season to stay in shape? Hit the gym as much as possible, hiking is also a huge part of my summer fitness.
What is your biggest goal to accomplish this/next season? Building snowboard jumps in the backcountry, doing bigger drops and jumps on my sled.
What do you do to prep for a competition? Replaying the tricks or line in my head over and over again, practice practice practice!
What competitions and other awards have you won? Include your non sports accomplishments also. Include your non sports accomplishments also. Got some medals for ski racing back in the day before I started snowboarding, Silver and Bronze in a few running races, I've got 3 belts in Kickboxing as well.
What’s your favorite “way” to ride( wake sport- specific, cable, boat, winch)(Snowsport specific- park, freeride/backcountry, urban)? Backcountry all the way for sledding, for snowboarding I also like backcountry but I do enjoy a good park session.
Favorite conditions? POWDER ALL UP IN MY FACE!!!
Where would be your biggest dream place to ride and why? Japan and Alaska for snowboarding and Alaska for sledding because those places just get so much snow and Alaska is pretty much the promise land for snowboarders and sledders.
What song(s) do you listen to while riding that puts you in the zone? Anything with a good beat and some bass to get me pumped up.
What turned you on to your sport? I was born in the Rocky Mountains so have always been a snowboarder, winters are long so I had to find something to do! My boyfriend got me into sledding a few years ago.
Any new tricks you’re working on? Drops and jumping my sled.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done in your sport? Some of the places we have gotten to on a sled are pretty mind blowing, literally on top of a 10,000 foot mountain staring out onto miles and miles of mountain tops, doesn't get much better than that.
What other extreme/action sports are you into? Wake surfing and split boarding.
If extreme/action sports didn’t exist, what would you be doing with all the free time you’d have? I don't like to think about that, I'd probably be super into mountain trail running or something.
What’s your favorite board/bike/sled to ride and why? NeverSummer Snowboards rule, and Skidoo Summits are my fave.
What’s the trick to riding features and not killing yourself? Snowboarding would be confidence and physical strength, sledding is a lot of listening to advice and watching what the person in front of you is doing, plus it takes a lot of strength and endurance so staying fit is so important.
How would you describe your riding style? I've been told I ride like a guy. Not sure if that is a style, ha! But I like jumps (whether that's park jumps or natural features) and big lines.
What would you say is your signature trick? Butters and backside spins.
Favorite drink of choice to refresh yourself after a long day of riding/shooting? Some good old water is the best, or a nice glass of white wine.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't plan on growing up much more! I feel like I've got a good career and still have a ton of time to play and do the things I love. Balance is important.
Any of your own web pages or social media buttons you want links to? Youtube, Vimeo, FB, Instagram,Twitter etc. etc. Instagram: c_vonrotz - Facebook: Chantal von Rotz