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Your Age: 10
Your Location (where do you ride mostly): Alberta/British Columbia , Canada
Weapon(s) of choice: Snowboard, Landyacht Longboard, Skateboard, Mountain Bike, Action Camera, Soccer Ball
What’s an average day for you like? My free time in the winter I am found shredding on the hill, riding in the terrain park. Summertime I am often mountain biking, long boarding, riding the skate park and playing soccer!
What is the most difficult part of your activity/sports for a beginner? The easiest? Overcoming intimidation when learning new tricks. Sometimes you just have to pretend nobody is around and just focus. The easiest part about any of my activities is just having fun!
What is the best and worst thing about being female in your sport? One of my favorite things is when people are impressed by my riding and surprised that I am a girl (I often wear blue.) It shows that girls can do anything, ride the park, speed down the hill and do anything the boys can do, with style
What would you like to see change in your sport to make it better for you and other female athletes? Equal recognition in events, and more events for younger girls. If girls were given the same opportunity in events, more girls would enter and stay competing in sports like Snowboarding.
Besides your ability and style factor as an athlete, how would you describe your personal style? Fun, Wild and Free Tomboy!
What are your favorite brands/designers for your sports apparel and for stepping out? SheShreds, Union, Salomon Snowboards, Olive Skateboards, Enjoi, DC shoes, GoPro.
Let’s hear your thoughts on how important looking good is to feeling good. “Being” your personal best? Looking good helps me feel confident, and that helps me focus on what ever task I am doing.
How dangerous do you really think it is compared to what people do in their regular activities? Without enough practice, or confidence, any sport can be dangerous.
I bet in your experience you have seen some crazy crashes. Describe one. My favorite wipeout story, is when me and my Dad were both in a banked slalom race. He wasn’t using the right snowboard, and lost control while he was trying to go around a bank, and he flew right through the fence!
What usually gets people hooked on your activity/sport? Feeling comfortable, having fun, the great people you meet makes you want to keep going.
What is your favorite trick? I love to do Indy grabs and Frontside Boardslides on rails.
Do you own any other toys? Longboard, snowboard, skateboard, mountain bike, trampoline, rollerblades.....and Legos.
What are your expectations for this activity/sport? In a couple years I would like to compete in the Alberta Winter Games, and Junior Olympics. When I'm older I hope I could go to the Olympics, ride professionally, and coach others!
Who have been your biggest supporters in getting you to where you are now? My family and friends who take me out to ride, practice and compete so often.
What do you do in your spare time when you’re not riding/shooting/competing? I love to read, play lego, go camping and climb trees.
What is your biggest goal to accomplish this/next season? I want to learn 360's plus, and start hitting larger features so I'm ready for junior women's before I'm 12. I may try to enter some Jr. women divisons and get comfortable with that. I also want to try and join a shop team.
What do you do to prep for a competition? I ride the day before, and morning before the competition. Relaxing in a hot tub helps too.
What competitions and other awards have you won? Include your non sports accomplishments also.
1st place - Leduc Go Skateboarding Day comp
2nd place - Skate for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Fundraiser Skateboard CompSkate for Spina Bifida
4th place - Hydrocephalus 2016 Callingwood Skate Comp - Only grom girl
1st place - Leduc Canada Day Skateboard comp 2016
9th place - FISE World Edmonton Skateboard comp (highest placing female)
1st place - Pump Up the Jam rail jam 2017 girls 9/10
3rd place - ASA Grom Gates slalom race 2017 boys/girls u12
2nd place - Cream Rail Jam Rabbit Hill 2017 girls u12
2nd place - ASA/Evolve SBX race Sunridge 2017 girls u12
2nd place - Double Down Rail Jam Sunridge 2017 girls u12
Highest placing grom - Lake Louise Snowboard Cross U15
2nd place - 2017 Syska Camp RailJam U12 groms
3rd place - 2017 Pete Navin Speed and Style U12 girls
3rd place - Easy Rider Banked Slalom u10 boys/girls
1st Place ASA Pete Navin Banked Slalom, 3rd place ESC Slush Cup Rail Jam, 1st place SYSKA Camp Rail Jam, 2nd place 2015 Sunridge Rail Jam, 3rd place 2015 ASA Banked Slalom. This spring (2016) I also received an Award for the 2016 Jump Rope for Heart, Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation Fundraiser.
What’s your favorite “way” to ride ( wake sport- specific, cable, boat, winch) (Snowsport specific- park, freeride/backcountry, urban)? Park and free riding on the snowboard, and riding ramps and bowls on my skateboard.
Where would be your biggest dream place to ride and why? Utah because more SheShredders are there!
Any new tricks you’re working on? Rotations off jumps, Boardslides to 180 out on rails, and recently learned how to rock and roll on my skateboard!
What other extreme/action sports are you into? I would like to do more rock climbing.
If extreme/action sports didn’t exist, what would you be doing with all the free time you’d have? Swimming, and soccer for sure.
What’s the trick to riding features and not killing yourself? Getting tips from other riders.
Favorite drink of choice to refresh yourself after a long day of riding/shooting? Milk!
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to own my own skate/snowboard shop maybe with a coffee bar.
Any of your own web pages or social media buttons you want links to? Youtube, Vimeo, FB, Instagram,Twitter etc. etc.