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SheShreds Q&A - Jamie Crane-Mauzy

by Bold Apps on January 23, 2018

We're stoked to have the wonderful Jamie Crane-Mauzy, a former professional freeskier and brain injury advocate joining us at this year's SheShreds Jamboree at Powder Mountain, where she'll be our emcee and coaching a park skiing clinic!  Get to know Jamie a little better before coming out to shred with her on February 3. 

First, let’s talk your freeski background - how did you get into competing at such a high level?

Honestly, it was a very quick surprise for me.  I was going to Holderness Prep School in New Hampshire.  I finished my freshman year, and a senior boy, (Nick Martini, who went on to be a professional filmer) convinced me to go to trampoline camp, I loved it and decided to try water ramp camp in Lake Placid, New York.  I was 15 years old but had grown up a ski racer and a gymnast.  At water ramp camp the first day I learned a front flip, the third day a backflip, and the 5th day was recruited to stay at the Olympic Training Center in Lake Place, NY and be on the US Aerial team.  The first winter I was competing as an Aerialist I entered a Slopestyle competition, loved it and won (I did a spread eagle, double spread eagle, and a front flip), and my slopestyle career started and I kept at Slopestyle because the tricks are unique and it's so fun!

What is your favorite memory from being a professional athlete?
I have a lot.  I made some of the best friends and had some of the most unique experiences.  The random expirences were the best.  For example. one night in a little town in France I got served a cow penis because they thought it was good luck for love and I was with a group of boys.  Or when my friend Zyre and I missed the bus in Italy traveling with my sister Jeanee who got on the bus.  Those little experiences I will remember for the rest of my life and will always shape every decision I make in the future.

Any tips for girls looking to follow that path?
Just start.  I actually learned how to do a 360 when I was 8 years old, but went into racing because I didn't really see how a little girl could go into a freestyle program, it was all boys.  All my girlfriends raced so I went in that direction. I would suggest finding a community, like She Shreds where you can connect with other girls and just start doing it and see where you go from there. Don't listen to anyone who says girls can't do it.

Park or powder?
I used to just be the park, but over the last few years, some of my best days have been in powder!

You’ve had some major life changes over the past few years. Tell us a little about to what you’re up to now.
Well, to give a quick update in 2015 I crashed and went into a coma.  I decided to stop competing after I had a very successful recovery.  I go to college at Westminster in SLC.  I am just getting back from a semester abroad at International Business School in the French Riviera.  I am a talk show host every 2nd and 4th Sundays on the Brain Injury Radio Network with my show Life Gets MoCrazy.  You call in on this number 424-243-9540 to listen to me interview survivors, caregivers, and therapists, connected to brain injuries from around the world.  I am featured in a movie High Fives in making called Helmets Are Cool.

How can people help out?
Tune into my talk show and send questions!

Would you want to give all our readers the helmet talking to? 
Yes.  I think wearing a helmet is like putting on your seatbelt in a car.  There would have been a 0% chance of living if I had not had a helmet on, and I firmly believe in them.

How did you get involved with SheShreds?  What is your favorite part of being involved?
I got involved by my friend Hayley who is an ambassador introducing me to Gina.  I LOVE the concept of uniting girls who are interested in action sports worldwide.  Like I said above I didn't have a program like She Shreds around when I was a kid, and besides starting later, I was bullied and harrassed by the boys on my freestyle team and I had no one to turn to except my mom.  It would have been SO NICE if I could have posted on Facebook: "Brendan stole my skis again, and he put soap in my boots and on the roof because I'm too little to reach them."  

Why should people come ski with you at the Jamboree?
I love skiing with girls and inspiring them to reach for whatever goals they have.  I am silly, and I promise we will have a blast!  Plus I will add in learning how to slide boxes better from my experiences, and you won't even realize you are learning!
Inspiring the next generation of skiers! 

What’s your best tip for girls just getting into action sports?
To find a community where you feel comfortable boasting about your accomplishments and venting about struggles.  Stay true to yourself and believe wherever you are, and whatever decisions you make are alright.

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