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Anna Debrone - Horseback Ride/Wakeboarder (SK)

by Gina Duffy on October 28, 2017

Age: 23

Instagram Handle: asmdebrone

What does SheShredsCo mean to you?

To me, SheShreds means a safe place. It is a zone where judgement isn’t a thing. 

A community where girls can ask questions, seek advice, share accomplishments and participate in challenges to unlock their full potential. SheShreds is a support group of girls who are all part of the same community for their own reasons - whether it’s to make new friends, to learn about other sports, as well as their own, or to push themselves - to me, SheShreds is an incredibly community with a purpose of bringing some super cool chicks together.

What drives you to do your sport? 

I feel that each of my sports have their own driving force. Wakeboarding is fairly new to me, and what drives me to keep doing it is the daily accomplishments. The fact that I can still try something new every time I’m out and the fact that behind the boat, the conditions aren’t ever the exact same which makes every day a little different. 

Horseback riding has been my long-time passion. What drives me to continue with that sport is the partnership between my horse and I, to create some pretty incredible movements. Riding is unique in that you have to take complete control and at the same time, give your control up completely, and for me there is nothing else I’ve experienced like that. 

Snowboarding for me is an escape. It’s a place to have fun, do things without any influence, and goof around! There isn’t much out there that gives an experience like that


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